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Small Charity, Big Impact: User-Friendly Websites for Busy Teams

A stick man on a unicycle juggling lots of communications and marketing related items

Running a small charity is a juggling act, especially when it comes to marketing and communications. There's lots to do with email campaigns, social media, brand management, generating content... it's endless. You're passionate about your cause, driven to make a difference, but resources can feel stretched thin. One area that often suffers? Your website.

But here's the good news: even with limited resources, you can create a user-friendly website that makes a big impact.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Content is King (and Queen):  Focus on clear, concise content that tells your story and highlights your impact. Think easy-to-read text, compelling images, and engaging videos.

  • Prioritise User Experience (UX):  Make it easy for visitors to find what they need. A simple, well-organised layout with clear navigation is key.

  • Embrace Free and User-Friendly Tools:  There's a wealth of free website builders and content management systems (CMS) available. Choose one that's intuitive and offers features like drag-and-drop editing.

  • Mobile Matters:  Ensure your website is mobile-responsive. Today, most website builders offer this functionality automatically.

  • Less is More:  Avoid information overload. Focus on the most essential information and avoid cluttering your pages.

  • Keep it Fresh:  Regularly update your website with news, stories, and impact updates. A fresh website feels more dynamic and keeps visitors engaged.

  • Call to Action:  Make it clear what you want visitors to do. Whether it's donating, volunteering, or subscribing to your newsletter, use clear calls to action throughout your website.

  • Get Feedback:  Ask volunteers, supporters, or even colleagues to test your website and provide feedback.

By following these tips, you can create a user-friendly website that functions as a powerful tool for your small charity. Remember, it's not about bells and whistles, but about creating a clear and compelling experience that resonates with your audience. If you want more tips, just give me a follow on Instagram on @hello_made_by_katie for a daily dose of digital wisdom.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don't let website worries add to your plate. With a user-friendly website, you can reach more supporters and make a bigger impact. I specialise in creating websites for busy charities. Let's chat about your needs during a free consultation!  We can discuss how to build a website that reflects your mission and makes it easy for supporters to get involved.



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